Saturday, April 21, 2012

Home Again!

It’s so frustrating; I’ve been mowing for six hours now and I haven’t lost a single pound!   We have been back for a few days now, and are so happy to be back at MEDA.  Pat has been working hard to get the front entrance weeded and ready for the next seminary and conference cycle.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

To the Balmy Sea of Tela!

As a crow flies, Tela Beach is probably about 80 miles from Siguatepeque.  Yet, as the highway winds through the beautiful mountains and villages, it’s only about a 3 hour drive.  Some of the scenery is majestic and some is just hard to describe.  It’s an interesting dusty little road to the peaceful little beach resort, Honduras Tela Beach Club.  

It doesn’t look exactly like the picture, but it’s still very enjoyable.  The beach in Tela is fabulous!  It’s so easy to see God’s beauty and Majesty in all His creation.  


Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; Let those who love Your salvation say continually,“The LORD be magnified!”

We are rejoicing and praising the Lord for the birth of a beautiful baby girl born to Karla and Victor: members of our church here in Siguatepeque.  The thing that makes this a miracle from God is that Julianne was born two MONTHS premature and is healthy and breathing without the assistance of a breathing apparatus or an incubator.  Karla and Julianne were released from the hospital just two days after giving birth.  We thank you Lord for this beautiful bundle of blessings and pray that you continue to watch over and protect little Julianne.  The doctors had no hope that Julianne had any chance of surviving her first night.  Karla and Victor had a little secret, their faith was not in the ability of the doctors; their faith is in their Savior Jesus Christ. 
And He *said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”  What the doctors believed to be impossible; God made possible, He made all 4 ½ pounds of Julianne a miracle to rejoice in!

From the Cool Mountains of Siguatepeque…

 OK.  This is Honduras and it is supposed to be “the dry” season.  Meaning that the weather is supposed to be hot and dry.  

But … Saturday night, we had one terrific rain storm that took out a couple big trees on the campus and the guys had to cut them up after church on Sunday morning. 

Monday morning, we had a nice ‘tipico’ breakfast with Pastor/Dr. Dan Hayden and then it was off for a mini-vacation to the beach!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dr. Dan Hayden visits MEDA in Siguatepeque, Honduras!

We are so blessed to have Dr. Dan Hayden come down from Orlando, Florida to personally teach us in a 3-day seminar on "The CENTRALITY of CHRIST in SCRIPTURE, Seeing the Bible as The LIVING WORD".  It was a marvelous conference even though we only had enough time to go through the New Testament.  I can hardly wait until the book comes out, sometime this Summer 2012!

For more information on Pastor Dan, skip on over to his web-site at A Word from the Word.

Identified your gift yet?

Some have the gift of teaching; some have the gift of preaching, and so on.  Our gifts, as so many of you have, in one form or another is the gift of serving. We have found our greatest pleasure knowing that we wake each morning ready to serve the LORD.  Our mistake was in trying to plan our service to the Lord a day or two in advance.  We have learned to ask HIM what HE has planned for us to do today.  With this approach, we have less stress and anxiety. Philippians4:6  Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”      For example, the other day, Rhich had just backed the mower out of the bodega (Spanish word for garage) with the intention of mowing, when Mark approached him and said that the LORD had other plans for us today.  A fellow brother in Christ had an emergency at his house.  The prior night’s rainfall had washed away his parking pad for his car and his car had fallen half way down a 15 foot embankment. Rhich was at peace with the change in plans knowing the LORD is in charge and in control. It’s nice to have plans for the future, but remember what the LORD told the farmer who decided to build new barns for his over-abundance of crops.  (Luke 12:18-20).  It would be wise to make your plans God glorifying and edifying to others as you execute your gift of service.  Trust in HIS word found in Jer29:11  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.   (ESV).

The wall is almost complete!

The men having been working very hard to finish the wall. Soon they will put the gate on and then we can start breaking ground.