Climbing up the very long ladder to reach the top of the water storage tank was a bit scary. Once up there, the men worked hard to scrub the inside of the water storage tank. Then it's disinfected with another 15 gallons of bleach.
Richard and Pat Nelson are helping the ministry of MEDA in Siguatepeque, Honduras, which is dedicated to training pastors in Central America. Specifically, they have volunteered to help the ministry by joining the maintenance staff. MEDA has thirteen acres and many buildings which need constant attention. After just two trips to MEDA, Rhich and Pat were convinced that they could contribute to the ministry by relieving some of the maintenance burden.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Water Purification Completed
It's probably not 300 feet but it sure looks like it.

Climbing up the very long ladder to reach the top of the water storage tank was a bit scary. Once up there, the men worked hard to scrub the inside of the water storage tank. Then it's disinfected with another 15 gallons of bleach.
Climbing up the very long ladder to reach the top of the water storage tank was a bit scary. Once up there, the men worked hard to scrub the inside of the water storage tank. Then it's disinfected with another 15 gallons of bleach.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Carry-Out Anyone?
These little 'Mom & Pop' (mostly Mom) road-stands are on almost every street corner. The local fare is usually Baleadas, (pronounced bah-lee-ah'-das) a local cuisine seemingly, only to be found in Honduras.
They're made from a big round flour tortilla that's folded in half. The inside contains specially cooked and mashed red beans, a small layer of seasoned scrambled eggs, and a squirt of mantequilla sauce.
Mantequilla is something like the consistency of yogurt with a buttery, hint of cheese flavor. It's hard to describe, but oh so delicious. Everybody makes them differently and some add bits of cooked meat. I like mine 'sin carne' -- without meat.
Market Day
Every Thursday and Sunday is Market Day. Those are the days when you can go to the open air market and get fresh fruits and vegetables.
The farmers and local people come in from miles away to sell their produce at very reasonable prices.
The farmers and local people come in from miles away to sell their produce at very reasonable prices.
Even though we arrived late in the day as most vendors were going home, we were still able to get some very nice and fresh vegetables.
I purchased a pound of green beans, a bunch of red onions, 4 huge carrots and a medium sized cabbage for 37 limperos (less than $2!)
I purchased a pound of green beans, a bunch of red onions, 4 huge carrots and a medium sized cabbage for 37 limperos (less than $2!)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Contaminated Water
We have a small problem with the water today. The private well water at MEDA tested positive for bacteria and/or e-coli.We need to shut the entire water supply down for 24 hours to disinfect the storage tank.
The first picture is a bird's-eye view of the inside of the storage tank.
The second picture is a close-up that shows some algae that has grown in the main tank.
This will only be a minor inconveince to us,considering that the majority of people in Siguatepeque only get water a few times a week. Those of us with a private well are so fortunate. let us not forget to thank GOD for our many blessings.
English Class on Tuesday afternoon
Quina and Sara Jo Visit
Back in July 2011, we were privledged to have 2 young ladies from Grace Bible Church of Tampa visit.
Quina, Rhich, Sara-Jo, and Pat pose for a picture at MEDA.
La Quinceañera: a celebration of budding womanhood
The transition from childhood to womanhood
is a significant passage for adolescent girls in Honduras and is marked with the celebration of the Quinceañera, or 15th Birthday. From a north-of-the-border viewpoint, it may be seen as a cross between Sweet Sixteen and a debutante's coming out party. The celebration is a way to acknowledge that a young woman has reached maturity and is thus of a marriageable age.
"Just 11 more years until my own Quinceañera," says little Caroline Mittens.
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